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EEF Promising Programme Mathematical Reasoning in Y2

We are pleased to announce that Mathematical Reasoning in Y2 is now part of the EEF's Promising Programmes and is being offered at a subsidised price to all schools in England with a Y2 class. There will only be a limited number of places offered so complete the form below asap to avoid missing out.

Empowering teachers and children through a fresh perspective on learning %

Discover the power of teaching mathematics and literacy through Reasoning First. Help children to realise the potential of their implicit knowledge by making it explicit. Try out free sample lessons in your classroom. Access research that underpins key concepts for developing children’s reasoning.

About Reasoning First

Oxford University researchers working with teachers from all over the country developed new ways to achieve effective teaching and learning of fundamental concepts in primary education. The programmes were evaluated in rigorous research funded by the EEF, the ESRC, the Nuffield Foundation and the British Academy. The research showed that, when children master the logic beneath concepts, they can extend their learning through reasoning and go beyond what they were taught in the classroom. Children reached better understanding and higher achievement in standardised tests.

Teachers found that the professional development courses linked to the programmes provided them with new insights into the contents they teach and into children’s implicit knowledge and learning. Online professional development is now available to equip teachers to use some of the programmes. Register for free to apply for the online courses, to access sample lessons and research briefs, and to remain informed of new developments.

Our programmes

Our programmes support teachers and TAs through professional development, structured lessons using pre-prepared PowerPoints and ready to use materials.

Mathematical Reasoning (Year 2)

Mathematical Reasoning (Year 2)

Mathematical Reasoning is a whole-class programme with two strands: 1. quantitative reasoning and 2. number sense and arithmetic. Online training is available.
Find out more about Mathematical Reasoning
Reasoning About Fractions (Year 4)

Reasoning About Fractions (Year 4)

Lessons include reasoning about ratios and fractions. It surprises teachers that children reason better about ratios than fractions. Try a free sample lesson.
Find out more about Reasoning About Fractions

The benefits

Teachers and children recognise the power that learning through reasoning gives them in mastering new concepts. Everyone benefits from the different elements of the programmes.

  • High quality CPD
  • Well-structured lessons
  • Pre-prepared PowerPoints
  • Teacher Handbook
  • Children actively solving problems
  • Whole-class teaching reinforced by games
  • All the resources you need
  • Lessons pitched at the right level
  • Save preparation time
  • Implementation support
  • Individual workbooks for children
  • Children also explain their reasoning

Who we are

The REASONING FIRST core team is composed by Gabriel Stylianides, Professor of Mathematics Education, Terezinha Nunes, Emeritus Professor of Educational Studies, and Louise Matthews, an experienced leader of educational projects and author of the series of books about Martha, the Mathemagician. Our research underpinning the REASONING FIRST programmes has received support from the EEF, DfE, The Nuffield Foundation, ESRC, British Academy and the Royal Society, among other institutions. The REASONING FIRST programmes are supported by the Department of Education, University of Oxford, and Oxford University Innovation.

EEF Promising Programme Mathematical Reasoning in Y2

We are pleased to be offering Mathematical Reasoning in Y2 as part of the EEF Promising Programmes. To express an interest and receive more information, please complete this form.